The Role of the IT Department in Business Strategy
Achieve Positive Business Outcomes with IT Infrastructure ModernizationThe IT department was not always considered vital to achieving business goals. Outsourcing to a Managed Service Provider (MSP) was considered a method of reducing costs rather than a strategic partnership. But the environment has shifted.The transition to a more flexible work environment accelerated the movement [...]
Why small and medium sized businesses should consider Cloud Services
Cloud Computing enables SMBs to reap the benefits of data processing facilities.Data Centres were once only accessible to large organizations. Today, the Global adoption of Cloud computing has made them accessible to small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), which are reaping the benefits at an increasing rate. Cloud computing offers access to a network [...]
5 things you should know about mainframe computers
Why mainframes are the computer of choice for big data.Mainframes host most of the world’s data, processing about 95% of the transactions in the banking, insurance, airline, and retail industries and host 70% of the world’s data. They often run mission-critical workloads requiring high scalability, agility, and resilience. Mainframes will continue to play [...]